In my opinion meaning of life is to have what you want to have or achive what you want to achive in your life. If you will succeed you will be very happy. So--->" Take as many as you can . Don't give anything back".Becouse if you give something back you can lost all you have. So do what you want to do and be happy. I tkink this is the meaning of life.
Ty. Bye and Dont give anything back.
niedziela, 30 marca 2014
How do I think my life will look like in 10 years time?
Hmmm.... I would like to be a soldier. If i will be a soldier( sniper for clarity) I will work less then others. Idk how long does it takesbut I know it takes less years of working than for e.g doctor's work. I don't know exactly how will turn my life. I can only planing my future. I hope my plans for future will turn as I had planned to.
If I could change one thing in my country - what would it be?
Hmm... it's not verry dificult topic. I know what Icould change. IfI could do this I would like to change politicians in my country. I would like to give more cash to poorer people. I would like to build more football courts and schorten the hours of work .
Ty . Bye.
Which skill would I like to have and why?
I would like to have Spider-Man powers becouse hes verry agile and he can swing on his webs. He can climb wals. I could climb on the highest building and see whole town or even more. I'd like to have Spidey's powers becouse I like Spider-Man sice i was little child. I'm still watching "Ultimate Spider-Man". He's my favourite super hero. Thats all for tonight! Thank you and Bye!
Place I'd like to visit most.
Place I'd like to visit most are definitely Caraibean. I would like to see this amazing blue sea, island and of course ruins of Mayans buildings . I'd like to dive in the Caraibean sea too and see turtles, dolphins and coral reefs.
I would like to see some wrecks of ships undr water. And of course water falls
Ty and Bye.
My favourite teacher
My favourite teacher is Mr. Krzysztof Szmytkiewicz. He's my English teacher. He has good sense of humor. He's verry funny and punctual. If someone tell "Jesus" or "Oh my God" he starts to read Bible. On llessons he is always speaking english and not everyone understand him. He doesn't shout at lessons. English lessons are the best. Mr. Szmytkiewicz creates a pleasant atmosphere on lessons. He is definitely my favourite teacher.
Ty. Bye.
Ty. Bye.
sobota, 29 marca 2014
My fovourite musicans and bands
My favourite musican... hmm... I
've got few of them. For sure:
Cee Lo Green :
Best song for me is "F*ck You"
Michael Jackson : every
song of Michael is great
Pharrel Williams
:my favourite song of this musican is "Happy"
Danzel : His best
song for me is " Pump It Up"
And now about my
favourite bands. For sure I can replace :
Daft Punk; The
best song in my opinion is "Get Lucky"
Mattafix; I like
most "Big City Life" this is their best song for me,
The Dreadnoughts: I like their whole album: Polka's Not Dead
I cant tell why I
like them. In my opinion everyone of them and every band are amazing. All of
them have nice voices and making great music.
Ty. Bye .
Politics and politicians.
I'm not interested in politics in my country and I can't tell to much Idk just what to say about it. I thing They are stupid, false and in future they can destoy this country. It's only my opinion of course. When I grow up I will no tparticipate in voting becouse I don't want to contribute to the destruction of my country.
My fovourite possesion.
My fovourite possesion is my computer. I'm using it to do homework, co comunicate with my friends and for fun of course. I often play with my friend Marek so we have to comunicate. TeamSpeak is best for that kind of comuncation. Now he is moving his house so we can't meet becouse he's to far. Computer i very helpful thing and my computer is just like that.For sure it's my favourite possesion .
Ty. Bye.
Ty. Bye.
Typical food from my country.
Polish food is great and healthy but poeple don't have time to eat normal food. They are eating fast foods and drink drinks such as PEPSI which are leading to obesity. They are smoking a lot and drink alcohol too. They schould do more phisical exercises to live long (if they want to of course) .

Most dangerous momento of my life.
When I was 13 I was with my cousin on the mansion. We was walking across the street when suddenly car hit us. He was driving slowly so nothing serious happend. Later turned out that he was drunken. Though nothing serious happend to me and my cousin it was most dangerous momento of my life.
Ty. Bye.
Ty. Bye.
My favourite sports.
My favourite sports are football and basketball. Honestly idk why i like them. Hmmm....... when I play footbal I'm goalkeeper, so its very easy job. I play as a goalkeeper since I can remember.
About basketball I can't tell to much becouse idk what to say. I like basketball becouse when I was younger my dad took me on every match of KSSSE AZS PWSZ Gorzów Wielkopolski.
It's all in this post. Ty. Bye.
sobota, 15 marca 2014
My favourite book and movie
I watched plenty of films. I read little less books. So... my favourite film. Hmm... let me wonder about this. For sure I can replace : The Avengers, every part of Spider-Man, every part of Star Wars, every part of Iron Man, Last of the Mohicans, few parts of James Bond (especially with Daniel Craig) ,The Lone Ranger. every part of Pirates of The Caraibean ... what else... every part of A Good Day To Die Hard, Kick Ass 1 and 2 ,every part of The Hangover , Harry Potter (every part) . I could replace for a long time. But now I have to say someting about my favourites books.
So... I like books which are based on computer games. I read Assassin's Creed books and Crisis. These are very long books. For e.g. : one of the Assassin's Creed books has got something about 500 pages. I read already five to six Assassin's Creed books... Yeah... It's all for today ... ty bye.
New York - the most interesting place I've ever been
I was in NY for 2 weeks. My uncle lives there so I stayed in his house. He lives in Queens. He has friendly neighbours New York is very busy town. The streets are full of people and cars. At night every building is illuminated. I have seen Statue of Liberty. It's really big. Uncle showed me Empire State Building , Chrystler Building, and Times Square. Last one was the best... especially at night. Those all lights from billboards. This is the most interesting and most beautiful place I have ever been. And someday I want to go back there. :)
Best day in my life
I think it's the day when my sister was born. It was on 25th of March. Initially I thouht my parents are going to love her more than me. I was really scared. I was angry at my mom , dad and of course at Ola ( my sister). I didn't talk to them. I didn't wanted to visit my mom. Later I realized that my behavior was stupid. My parents explained me everythink. Now I know it was the best what could happen to me.
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